Thursday, September 19, 2013

From the Inside Out!

Does your inside shine, reflecting the outside? Or are you hiding the inside and pretending on the outside? In life personal growth is a must,  I presume that sometimes life just gets a run at us and we are so busy to access what the heart is really saying.  Or maybe your like me and you have run for sometime attending to everyone else but yourself.. Maybe its fear deep down inside to really deal with the things that so easily besets you. Sometimes if you just ignore it you don't have to deal with it.  What are you neglecting? This is probably the place that hinders you from moving forward in some part of your life. Bravery says no matter what its, time to expose the lies. Bravery also is the absence of casting down all fear!   I mean if I really want to be like Jesus I have to grow and change.  I do not want to be the same or a hypocrite like the Pharisee's.  As Christians we are called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  I love this verse:

Philippians 2:12-13

New King James Version (NKJV)

Light Bearers

12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

To obey not only in his presence but much more in his absence.  Its amazing how we may forget that God is always there.  Although he cannot look upon our sin he knows us and our struggles.  The greatest part of this verse I believe is that he works in us to do his will for his Pleasure. So Beautiful, so then my next question is will you take the time to let him. 

Many times in life we will say I am working on it or I don't do this or that, but do you?  In all fairness its up to us to be real with ourselves and with God.  When we can lay our hearts bear before him in true repentance he will heal our hearts, may I say also this is a process.  Daily we sin it is true, but the great thing is that we have Jesus who makes us new and washes away our sin, and eventually he heals us and restores and makes all things new.  Here is another great verse:

2 Chronicles 7:14

New King James Version (NKJV)
14 if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Yes!! We are wicked, and no I don't me like horrible but here is what the bible says about our hearts:

Jeremiah 17:9

New King James Version (NKJV)
“The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?

There you go. See we deceive ourselves.  I think one big deception in this life is when people say oh I am okay when you know they really are not, the heart will pour out and reveal many things. Point taken that there are many times we run and we cover and we hide because its easier to do that than really deal with the issue at hand.

So if we humble ourselves and really repent and turn God he will heal us.. I am being healed, I desire to be whole so I can be effective in my fullness for the kingdom of God.  Healing is a choice it is continual and a process.  If you to desire to be healed I will stand with you in agreement.  You are also welcome to private message me for prayer.

James 5:16

King James Version (KJV)
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Healing comes from the inside out.  This is an exciting season of the Lord! I Know he is just waiting for us to come and sit at his week and pour out our hearts! His desire is for you and I to be fully healed so we can be effective for the Kingdom of God.  The process is necessary because we cannot move forward in our Destiny and Purpose if we are not prepared and whole.  Lets reach into heaven and pull down our blessings!! I declare you are blessed and an overcomer! You are Strong, Brave and Beautiful!

If you ever need a friend Im here!

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Relationships..Friends are the Best!

Its good to have friends, and even at that ones who really celebrate who you are! I come from a very broken past but am a living testimony of the goodness of God. For those who really know me they have seen the good,bad and ugly. I would like to Glorify Jesus because when I really opened up my heart and decided to walk with him fully, which was 10 years ago, he begin to restore my life. I was so broken and every sin I am sure I committed, I probably created some new ones lol. One area though that I believe the Lord longs to flourish us in are relationships. He is all about relationships the most important one being him:)...As my relationship has developed with the Lord I can look at who I was in the past and see why I could not have relationship,and simply put lets just get it out there!! It was ALL ABOUT ME! Are you surprised? I was living in a Narcissistic lifestyle, me me me.. Whatever makes me happy, dressing the outer while the inner was broken and dying. Really deep down inside I just wanted to be excepted. I longed for the relationships that people gained as a child and grew up to have in life. Every relationship I had would end and never last, I would always leave broken. Until I decided to serve God and do it his way. Pride the number one killer of all things which had such a grip on my life it kept me from really putting my eyes on others and really celebrating who they were, instead I was celebrating me, and in this cycle it allowed the enemy of my soul to whisper in my ear a voice that would always compare me to others, the voice that would try to perform, compete or just want to be heard. So I say this its been the most beautiful process of my life to let go and allow God to heal my heart from all the lies that crept in as a child, the broke ness of not having two parents in my life and the process of trying to do everything alone. In this place I had to lay down myself bare before the Lord to heal every area that hindered me from not being able to have healthy relationships, because lets face it I was not spiritually healthy. I have a point here I do, I can say what I have learned from going through this process. James 4:6 says 6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble. When you are humble about who you are and in repentance God can give you the power aka Grace to overcome all things. So maybe Im talking to you today not sure what you have struggled with, but I do know one thing its not everyone else's fault sometimes its just you. We are called to examine ourselves to be honest and repent,this should be a daily thing. Are you longing for greater relationships? Start spending more time with God in that place of intimacy with him you will learn how to love others the right way. Lastly a scripture I love that I have been working on a lot Philippians 2:3 New King James Version (NKJV) 3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. That verse is powerful and has literally transformed me and helped me to come into who I am. It is important to celebrate others and get our eyes off ourself. But to esteem others that word esteem means "Respect and admire". Admire simply means to approve. Which to Approve means to give ones blessing too!! And there you have it we are called to bless and not curse!!! By blessing others and encouraging them and celebrating them this to will return in your favor, and so the cycle will repeat! The main reason for all of this is that I know we all want to be celebrated and we should we are all beautiful and made in the image of God! I believe it is important to always encourage your friends and to let them know how great they are, this indeed is biblical right, as well as it helps the other person know that they are accepted and there is no competition but we are doing life together and adding to one another. We were all made to SHINE>>... Here is a picture of two of my greatest friends that I love so much, they are two people who have celebrated me, even in my ugly parts of life. I thank Jesus for them. They are also two people I have missed dearly and the Lord has allowed me to see both of them this last week, they are what inspired this blog!!

  This is Relissa Hall.. She is nothing Short of Amazing, her spirit is alive and causes me to want to simplify my life and enjoy the beauty of all it has to offer! She is a passionate lover of Jesus! She also is a creator and is an esthetician who gave me a wonderful facial!!  We had a great time going to a restaurant called the Whale Wins!! Which my other Best Friend Annetta Bosakova introduced to me!!!
You can visit here amazing tumblir all about beautifying your skin at 


Let me Introduce you to Annetta Bosakova, She also is a passionate lover of Jesus, who has been a friend through thick and thin, and a great example of a woman of God who stays consistent.  She also is so amazing, beautiful, loved, and a creator who touches many life's as well. Did I mention she has seen this process of change in me? I almost forgot she takes the most amazing pictures ever and has blessed me so much in my life!!
You can visit her amazing blog at

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Meet and Great Influence 2013

The Whirlwind of the Lord has begun and I am in the eye of the storm, in this place everything can go crazy but when you are in the middle nothing can touch you, feels like many doors have been shutting as a sign of a New beginning, and New doors opening.  As the door shuts it can be hard because its dark sometimes walking to the next one, but when the next one opens the light is shinning and all it takes is a little faith and trust in the Lord to step over that threshold.  The last two weeks I have been researching and checking out books at the library.  Two in particular that peaked my interest that are both by the same Author Kari Chapin.  The first "Grow your Handmade Business" and the Second "The Handmade Marketplace."  Why was I drawn and interested? Well Im a creator and an Entrepreneur and for so long I have not really let the side of the Creator come out.  This is a sign to me that its time to start dreaming again and allow what makes me tick help me to come alive.  I was so excited when I came across Influence on my amazing Best friends Blog and website.  For sometime I have seen the direction she was going and knew she was on to something, so I follow her because I know God is up to something great in her life and she has been a great example of a woman of God in many ways!  So as I was already starting my new blog and getting ministry stuff set up I was looking at her page for some inspiration!  And low and behold she just registered for Influence 2013, so I said I have got to check this out..  My heart started to leap in fact it is still leaping really I did not go to bed till 3am.  I also knew I would have to pray and do some convincing and explaining to my husband.  Well here we go I am signed up and I couldn't be more excited for whats next.  My Name is Erica Hart I am a Wife, Sister, Mother, Entrepreneur,  Business owner, Artist, Fashion Designer, Coach, Worship Leader/Musician, Minister of the Gospel and Friend to Jesus and many.  See you at Influence can't wait to be changed forever!

2 things you will be sure to have packed in your bag. 
One thing I never leave home without is Spark this amazing Energy drink which is a life savor and a mental focus charge, so anyone who will want to try it just ask because I always have extra to share!
I also will make sure to have something beautiful to wear, its times like these where I actually get to dress up and be a woman, something I miss out on a times with a toddler.
2 things you are most looking forward to during the conference. 
I am really excited to connect with other woman who are brilliant and love Jesus who can add to whom Jesus has called me to be!
And lastly I am really looking forward to this new opportunity to be inspired for the next step in my life.