Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Office Space

It's been almost a month in our new home and I have been so busy I'm finally getting some time to just rest.  I am still unpacking and painting and decorating.  My favorite space at the moment is my creating/office space.  I'm not really sure what style I'm going for in my home but as I decorate each room I am finding they are a little different.  I am doing a lot of white though and painting some brown furniture to white.  This is so exciting and I'm not quite sure why I never did this before.  I think it's because I actually know now that I won't be going any where anytime soon, and I am taking ownership in making this home ours.  It is interesting when you move almost every other year how you will never really settle in.  I am having a lot of fun and excited about this whole new season in our lives.  Its good to finally get rooted and grounded in one place.  As I style new places in my home I will post!  Hope that in this busy holiday season everyone is really enjoying whatever it is that you are called to in this time! 
Blessing E

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Moving in November

Moving is not the funnest of subjects thats for sure!  I have yet to blog being that my life has sorta been crazy, and who chooses to move the week of thanksgiving?  Im up late packing…  I started off really good, getting rid of things I won't be taking with me.  Well now I'm at the point of throw everything in a box and lets get out of here.  Its bittersweet I really loved this place and the location.  I can now say that I have lived in Lake Forest Park Wa, and now I will be moving back to Shoreline where I've spend at least a good 10 years of my life.  Its all very sureal to me, the last place that I wanted to go back to.  I mean no one really wants to revisit  there past, although sometimes I think its necessary.  I really am excited to start a new chapter as a new homeowner!  Now all of our hard earned dollars will be spent on decorating and remodeling and making a place to call home.  This really is a major stepping stone, one in which I can say I am super excited about!!  Have I said Im Excited?? Any how in other news I have been working everyday cleaning houses and sometime I bring my daughter with me.  Here are a few pictures I took of her as well as some pictures I have been styling lately.  I cannot wait to set up a craft room a place where I can store all my goodies, a place where I can create! I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving! I am thankful to have such amazing friends and family this truly is what life is all about, Relationships.

Be Blessed, xoxo Erica

Monday, November 11, 2013

My Life Lately

Its been a while since I blogged not because I haven't wanted to, but because there has been a whole lot going on!  I have truly been enjoying styling and taking pictures, lately that has been a lot of fun for me.     I took a photography class in high school but that is about it!  In my blog you probably have seen some drawings and fashion, this Is what I went to college for, and actually got an Apparel design degree.  Six years later I am picking it back up again!  Also for those who know me know that I lead Worship and that is what I truly love to do! I have been Currently working on writing my first Album.  Below is a picture of a wall of art the 4 designs that go up the wall next to each-other were all prints I did in college there is also a light shading of a woman above I did then also.  Well I hate to say I just started putting this wall together and now I have to take it down! Because We are moving, and this time around it is for good! We just purchased our first home!  So I am busy packing!!
I also have had so much fun reading Artful blogging and styling some different thrifty finds!  One of them being a beautiful cross-stitch table cloth that will go on a new table in my new house somewhere! Also there is a beautiful flowered photo I found thrift shopping and I will hang it beautifully on one of my new walls!  So with that said I have been super busy packing and weeding out what needs to go in my life including all areas!  I also have been working a lot on getting together all the elements of why I decided to blog and what this space will mean and represent.  I hope you are enjoying so far and I promise there will be much more creativity soon as well as some new changes.  Eventually I will hope to have a shop up and running and functioning as well!  For now I am packing to move and am getting really excited and ready for my new craft space!  A Space where I can finally work and be free in what I was created for!


Monday, November 4, 2013

Good Bye Summer Hello Fall

We are now in November, and now just around the corner are all the festivities that bring a smile to many faces.  I have enjoyed this fall so much, many have also commented how beautiful it is outside, cold yes but beautiful.  As leaves turn from green to there fullest, and natural beautiful colors they pop for just a time and then they fall to the ground and freeze over until next season.  Its just that way, when beautiful moments in life come we must cherish them because soon enough they are gone until the next beautiful moment.  I have never remembered the leaves being so beautiful, truly where have I been?  I guess I am just learning how to stop and appreciate the beauty of all that we have around us.  Life gets so so filled with all of life stuff that many times I forget to stop and as one would say smell the roses!!  So I have been filling my time with more of capturing the beauty of the moment.  I hope that in this season you too will be able to take some time and reflect and just enjoy Gods Creation.  I am continually at awe of this great God who has created so much beauty!  Here are a few pictures I took today! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thank you!

Today is the Last day of #31days of Creating with Jesus In October.  Although I am glad to be done, my journey isn't over.  I am still up thinking about my next project, which I know you will get to be a part of!! If you have been following thank you for all of your encouragement!! All I can say is this is only the beginning of whats to come.  I am slowly working on evolving into who God has created me to be, I hope that I will be able to encourage you to do that as well.  Remember you are Strong, Brave and Beautiful, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.  We all were created to create, so what ever that looks like to you I would suggest you start living it.  I have learned in this challenge that there is a side of me that loves to create, just about anything and this brings me alive!  So I leave with this one question what do you love to do?  Whatever it is I suggest you do it!!
Blessings, Erica 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cute top!

Okay so here is my finished project!! It's really cute on, I think I would wear a black tank under and maybe a cute cardigan sweater, with some cute jeans or leggings and boots!! I had fun making this today, although I had to re thread my machine a few times! It is important though to always test your stitch tension and make sure your stitch is working good on a piece of scrap fabric before you start!  Sometimes you have to start over if you don't cover all the basis first! This can also make it a longer process! In any rate it got finished and I managed to make dinner! Enjoy your night! Hope you like it!
Blessings Erica 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pattern Making

It's been a long long time since I have made a pattern, today I worked on making a pattern for a pretty shirt that will be regular length in the front and a longer length in the back.  Here is a sneak peek of the pattern in progress as well as the fabric I will be using!  I will post the finished shirt tomorrow.  I have had so much fun doing this #31day challenge, although I have not been able to post every day.  Creating something daily with a toddler is a major task to take on, what was I thinking?  Whenever I try to draw, or cut fabric, or even write my baby is all up in the mix!  Also I have not shared much but my Grandfather passed away as well this month, less than two weeks ago, so that also took a lot of my time in the hospital.  With all that said I am excited though because I was just doing most of this for fun, and now I will be selling items in my new shoppe soon to come.  I will be partnering with Destiny House and part of the profits will go towards the house and helping woman who are come out of human trafficking.   This house is a part of the ministry I am involved in. There will be more soon on my blog, this is all just a sneak peek of whats to come!  
Hope you enjoy these pictures!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Flower Power

It's been awhile since I have posted.  Well I would say doing something creative everyday and posting it was a bit of a challenge.  I am happy though with the results of what I was able to do. Who knows maybe I will crank out the last few days of this month.  Today I decided to make a flower print top. It needs a good iron but it's to late for that.  I hope that you like it.  It would look really cute layered under a jean jacket or maybe a nice suit jacket. Either way I love it! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


It takes a while to work on an image for me it depends on what I am drawing Miss Lexi took 5hrs.  I'm sure I could have done a whole lot more but when the clock ticks to 1:30am it's time for bed and then it takes time to wind down in excitement.  Whenever I am passionate about something that I'm making I can't stop until I'm done.  This could be good and bad.  Good because it will get done, bad because it takes all my attention and I shut my family out.  Well sometimes that's necessary to create something beautiful.  I am thankful that my husband is open to letting me work on my craft, and my daughter is in bed! 
Now it's morning, time to let another day evolve, to be thankful for breath!  I hope that you enjoy your day and you will be able to observe one beautiful thing about yourself.  Because let's face it you are beautiful, and probably don't give yourself the healty pat on the back you need. Take a moment to reflect on your beauty. You may want to wear something beautiful, or put on a new shade of lipstick.  Embrace who you are and what you have been given even if it's just one thing you feel beautiful about. Lastly look in the mirror ask say I am Beautiful!  Because you are and you should be celebrated! Also I hope you will enjoy Lexi!

Lexi is Strong, Brave and Beautiful.  She has no fears.  Her time is spend reflecting the Glory of her father in Heaven.  She is at constant awe of the beauty of life and she will let nothing stop her from fulfilling her dreams. One of her greatest passions is to love, protect, and encourage the dreams of others. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Scrap Remnants

I had bought a remnant piece of fabric a few years ago, and it's just been sitting. I decided that I was finally going to use it to make a pillow. I really love the pattern and am excited to lay on my new pillow.  There is something really cool about laying on a new pillow right??  I have never been big into decorating, I love beautiful things but decorating has not been a passion of mine.  I have been a little excited though lately when I have added extra pillows to my bed or my couch, its so much fun!    Check it out!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Turban Headband

Well my every couple of days to post streak has really been a pattern.  Creating something everyday is work.  Work that I love, but with a toddler sometimes you run out of steam!  I believe this has been a great creative challenge for me and it is exciting.  I think I will just continue having fun with it for the rest of October and beyond with no expectations.  Tonight I made this beautiful Turban inspired Headband which I love!! I hope that you like it enjoy!! Also I will be taking orders if you would like one;)
Blessings, Erica



Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Well I did do a little drawing in college when I was getting my degree for apparel design.  I am having a fun time just doing what I call doodling!   I'm hoping to get better as I continue to exercise this skill again.  I have yet to sew anything new, just waiting on my energy to kick through the roof! I applaud myself though, this challenge has definitely caused me to dig deep into my creative self again.  And even though I have missed a few posts and probably failed in the standards of posting for 31 days straight, I'm winning because I am still going!  Just one picture tonight enjoy!
Blessing, Ehart

Monday, October 14, 2013


I spend a lot of today walking, as I walked with my best friend and our kids I was overwhelmed with the excitement of just being.  Enjoying the crisp air on a fall day as the sun shinned brightly on our faces.  There was a moment when I just stopped and tilted my head directly at the sun with eyes closed and I just smiled.  Life could not be better than this, as my friend left to go home I continued to push my daughter around in her stroller. We went to the store, bank and then to the park.  Every where we went I just enjoyed the scenery! There is nothing like taking it all in, it seemed as though every tree, flower or plant was just so beautiful.  As we got home 3 hrs later I was tired from all the walking, so I rested.  Eventually I decided to do a little doodling, one thing I have been feeling lately is just to be still and know Gods in control he knows all things.  I just need to trust and be still.  I hope you enjoy my little creation tonight as well as a few pictures from my walk today! 





Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Made up Recipe

Tonight I made a new creation.  I haven't really been able to fulfil this whole challenge 31 days of creating.  I've had a few bumps in the road.  All last week was very hectic, I went to the hospital almost every night for 4 days straight visiting my grandpa who past away this last Thursday.  I am at peace knowing he is in heaven.  Tonight I finally got to make dinner. I threw a few items together it was so delicious. I don't have a name for it but I will post some pictures and the recipe below.  Maybe we will call it Brussel Sprout Chicken Delight!


Red Potatoes-1 trader Joes Bag
Brussel Sprouts-1 trader Joes Bag
Chicken Strips
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Johnny's Seasoning
Trader Joes Many Clove Garlic simmer cooking sauce

I first pre-heated the oven to 350 bake.  Then I cut all of my Brussel Sprouts in Half and then sliced up my potatoes.
I boiled the Brussel Sprouts for 2 mins.
I also heated up the Chicken Strips on Med-high with olive oil and Johnny's Seasoning until they were lightly browned.  
I layed the potatoe slices in a glass Pyrex dish and poured olive oil over the top. Then I put my chicken and Brussel sprouts on top. Season with salt and pepper. Then I poured the Garlic Sauce on the top.  Put foil on the top and baked for 30 mins. Then you have a yummy meal.  You can add rice if you want we ate it without rice and it was delicious!