Tuesday, October 22, 2013


It takes a while to work on an image for me it depends on what I am drawing Miss Lexi took 5hrs.  I'm sure I could have done a whole lot more but when the clock ticks to 1:30am it's time for bed and then it takes time to wind down in excitement.  Whenever I am passionate about something that I'm making I can't stop until I'm done.  This could be good and bad.  Good because it will get done, bad because it takes all my attention and I shut my family out.  Well sometimes that's necessary to create something beautiful.  I am thankful that my husband is open to letting me work on my craft, and my daughter is in bed! 
Now it's morning, time to let another day evolve, to be thankful for breath!  I hope that you enjoy your day and you will be able to observe one beautiful thing about yourself.  Because let's face it you are beautiful, and probably don't give yourself the healty pat on the back you need. Take a moment to reflect on your beauty. You may want to wear something beautiful, or put on a new shade of lipstick.  Embrace who you are and what you have been given even if it's just one thing you feel beautiful about. Lastly look in the mirror ask say I am Beautiful!  Because you are and you should be celebrated! Also I hope you will enjoy Lexi!

Lexi is Strong, Brave and Beautiful.  She has no fears.  Her time is spend reflecting the Glory of her father in Heaven.  She is at constant awe of the beauty of life and she will let nothing stop her from fulfilling her dreams. One of her greatest passions is to love, protect, and encourage the dreams of others.