Today is the Last day of #31days of Creating with Jesus In October. Although I am glad to be done, my journey isn't over. I am still up thinking about my next project, which I know you will get to be a part of!! If you have been following thank you for all of your encouragement!! All I can say is this is only the beginning of whats to come. I am slowly working on evolving into who God has created me to be, I hope that I will be able to encourage you to do that as well. Remember you are Strong, Brave and Beautiful, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. We all were created to create, so what ever that looks like to you I would suggest you start living it. I have learned in this challenge that there is a side of me that loves to create, just about anything and this brings me alive! So I leave with this one question what do you love to do? Whatever it is I suggest you do it!!
Blessings, Erica